I officially have one hundred followers, which is just incredible. I never expected to have twenty people interested in my blog, let alone a full one hundred. But does it count when a few of them are related to you or dating you? Does that count? Am I nothing but a fraud?? 

Nah. I’m taking this as a win. 

I started this blog as a form of therapy for myself. I needed to start writing again, and this calms me down when I’m feeling my worst. It’s a nice break. I never expected to have followers or to find so many people I have things in common with. That doesn’t really make sense, now that I think about it, what with the internet being such an all-encompassing place. I was bound to find a few people that I got along with. 

I know my subject matter can be a little deep and personal at times, but I find that I’m better at getting my feelings across through writing. It’s something I’ve always been good at. If anyone is ever offended by my subjects, I can’t stop them from getting mad or never coming back to my blog. But I believe that if my troubles can help someone else going through something similar, than I won’t stop blogging about them until I feel I’ve done my part. 

This is therapy. It’s a getaway. It’s relaxing and cathartic. 

So, this is a giant thank you to all of you. To the people that follow, like, comment, or just lurk. You are all a big part of why I continue to blog and why I want to have a career where I can help people. You all make me realize how little I regret making the decision to start It’s Usually the Quiet Ones. 

Thank you all. You’re all wonderful!


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